Getting Started with R Course
Learn how to import, visualise and model data with R, with the least amount of code.
Avoid common pitfalls and work with R objects & packages.
Course content has been developed over 20 years of facilitating S and R language courses to over 1000+ attendees.
Date: Tue. 25 & Wed. 26 May
9:15 – 10:30am – Session 1
10:30 – 10:45am Break
10:45 – 12:00pm – Session 2
Duration: 2.5 hours online x 2 days
Price: A$990 + gst
Learn how to import, visualise and analyse data in R, avoid common pitfalls and work with R objects/packages.
Who will Benefit: Business analysts, Data scientists that are new R users. No experience in R, is necessary. Course has largely been developed with input from customers, through experience in providing support, training and consulting.
Course outline:
- Introduction to R
- Accessing Help
- Creating Working Directories for different projects.
- R Language Objects & Classes
- Data Import/Export
- Data Manipulation including Stack, Subset & Merge
- Data Analysis & Graphics
– Histograms, Box Plots, Bar Charts, Scatter Plots
– Changing symbols, colours, style of points, axes, range etc
– Labelling & Identifying Points. Adding Titles etc
– Multiple Graphs on a single graphsheet.
– Plotting Subsets of Rows
– Adding points, lines, legends to existing plots - Exporting Graphics
- Statistical Models in R
– Linear Regression
– Non-linear Regression