Turn Predictive Insight into Competitive Advantage
Turn Predictive Insight into Competitive Advantage
Achieving Business Value with AI
Achieving Business Value with AI

RapidMiner Studio

In a few clicks, build validated machine learning models, for Customer Churn prediction, Predictive Maintenance, Credit risk Modelling, Sentiment analysis etc. Combine R or Python code seamlessly.


Point/click access to cutting edge statistics and ML, without coding.


Point/click access to advanced graphics and cutting edge statistics, without coding in R.


The only point/click data visualisation & predictive analytics dashboard, that contains an in-built data science engine, and is a recognised data prep leader by Forrester Wave.

Let’s create a plan for your specific needs

Lets Talk Data Science

RapidMiner Go

Automated and guided machine learning web interface. Point/click data science for domain experts, business users and analysts.

Included with RapidMiner AI Hub

RapidMiner AI Hub

Automate processes, R and Python code, share and re-use predictive models, then deploy to production.


TIBCO Enterprise R

High-performance, enterprise-quality statistical engine. Brings speed, reliability and support to open-source R code

Spotfire Server/Analyst

Share Spotfire Analyst visualisations and predictive analytics dashboards, throughout the enterprise