Machine Learning for Business –
Accelerate You Data Driven Transformation

Accelerate You Data Driven Transformation by Forrester

Advanced Analytics, ML to Increase Business ROI and Competitiveness


Business leaders thinking about digital transformation, may be wondering if data science lives up to the hype. Advanced analytics, machine learning, and AI projects have promise, but what’s their actual impact on business results?

This commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of RapidMiner polls leading digital transformation executives to understand the ROI, challenges, and benefits of starting data science programs so you can better understand what your peers are thinking about and investing in to try and gain a competitive edge.

In this study, you’ll learn:

  • Why the data says that it’s critical to start your data science initiatives as soon as possible
  • Why upskilling your current employees can lead to improved ROI
  • How to get more ROI out of your data science investments (spoiler: it’s by starting more data science projects earlier)
  • The most useful features of data science and advanced analytics platforms
  • And more!

After reading the study, you’ll have a better understanding of how other executives are achieving success and planning for the future, so you can make the best choices for your organization and keep up with your competition.